Thursday, November 13, 2008

Shocking Facts About Alcohol Consumption

Alcoholism is fatal disease. If it is not diagnosed and treated well in time it could result in disastrous consequences for the health if not resulting in untimely and unnatural death. Why I say unnatural is most of the death of alcoholics occur due to avoidable accidents.

The sad part is most of us do not recognize alcoholism as a disease. Alcohol affects our physiology in predictable ways that lead to addiction.

Here are some shocking facts about drinking and consequences of alcoholism

Worldwide alcohol causes 1.8 million deaths, which is 3.2 % of total deaths. US alone accounts for more than 100,000 deaths every year.

Alcoholism is the primary cause of 58.2 million Disability Adjusted Life Years.

Nearly 14 Americans meet with the diagnostic criteria for alcohol use disorders.

Most of the youth who drink get their drink from friends and relatives.

50 % of the alcoholics have a blood relative who is or was an alcoholic or a problem drinker.

About 18% of Americans experience alchol dependence and go through alcohol abuse at some period during their lifetime.

45 % of road fatalities are due to alcohol related crashes.

World wide 20-30% of esophageal cancer, liver cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, homicide, epilepsy, and motor vehicle accidents occur due to alcohol abuse or heavy alcohol consumption.

Global consumption of the alcohol is on the increase especially in developing countries.
So next time around when you reach for that extra drink please keeps these facts in mind.

*Source: WHO & National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

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