Sunday, September 7, 2008

Binge Drinking - Disastrous Consequences

If you have more than five drinks within short period of hours you are on binge drinking.

Binge drinking among youngsters especially those who are just entering collage is becoming cause of worry for the parents as well as the teaching community.  Bing drinking and alcohol related statistics related to students are staggering. 599000 collage students suffer alcohol related injuries.  1700 of those are fatal.  

The consequences of alcoholism and binge drinking among students include impaired mental abilities, unwanted sexual encounters, rape and sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea.

Women are more at risk of sexual exploitation after a binge drink session than men.  Women also suffer more as they end up with higher concentration of alcohol in the blood due to their smaller body mass.

While binge drinking is accepted practice in collages and among the youth, nevertheless society must sit up and take note of the ill effects of such drinking and strive for balance and dissemination of knowledge to the youth on the future consequences.

Underage drinking must be watched, discouraged and legal age must be raised to act as a deterrent.  Only then can we hope to seriously tackle alcohol abuse.

Srinivasan Gopal

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