Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Journal of Binge Drinking - News & Articles

Alarming statistics on Binge Drinking is now out from a new study.. Alcohol seems to damage more severely the frontal regions of the adolescent brain, crucial for controlling impulses and thinking through consequences of intended actions.

appear to be more responsive to the training and memory problems that may be due to alcohol. They may be more inclined than adults to suffer from lack of judgment and forgetfulness.

includes a powerful influence on the opportunity to form new memories, particularly for facts and events. Short-term or moderate drinking can impair learning and memory far more in youth compared to adults. Adolescents only need drink half around adults to suffer exactly the same unwanted effects

Get all the latest info on binge drinking. 

My Round or Yours?
By Richard Pilgrim
David Cameron recently announced that in his view, part of this country's binge- drinking problem is caused by our culture of buying rounds in the pub. Poor David, he still doesn't get it entirely (i.e. he doesn't really understand how ...
Richard Pilgrim - http://richardpilgrim.blogspot.com/
Noticias: Pass the sick bag: The antics of these Imperial College ...
By Dony Chandra
David Cameron was a Buller, a member of that infamous drinking and dining club the Bullingdon, at Oxford and still managed to pull off a first and go on to be prime minister.But there is no denying that binge drinking is out of hand in ...
Noticias - http://notician.blogspot.com/
Alcohol and the Teenage Brain – Top 10 Tips | Teach our children
By prinews
... they were 17 30% of 15 years olds & 44% of 17 year olds were binge drinking (7+ drinks for males, 5+ drinks for females) in the past week 25% of parents thought it acceptable to provide 15- 16 yr olds alcohol at a supervised party. ...
Teach our children - http://edu.prinews.net/
Drink Dating
By Reems
Health issues, puking in my handbag and stumbling around in 5 inch stilettos aside (although I am much better at managing the heels these days), binge drinking is a personality disorder in many ways, yet most of us are guilty of it . ...
Shamelessly Salacious - http://shamelesslysalacious.blogspot.com/
Alcohol Rehab For Effective Alcohol Treatment | Alcohol Treatment
By Jon
"A ten year binge drinking habit gone in a day." 'I would say that from about ten years ago, I went from having a social drink to binge-drinking where I would regularly binge drink three-to-four-times-a-week, … [Read More...] ...
Alcohol Treatment - http://www.aalcoholtreatment.org/
Women's National Health Care Report Is Out | Fine Health
Compared to the results in the 2007 report on women's health, the nation improved in one area (cholesterol screening), and received a lower grade in two areas (binge drinking among women and the rate of getting Pap smears to test for ...
Fine Health - http://finehealthdirectory.com/

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